Lance (@l.ance), OnlyFans creator
Lance is an OnlyFans creator based in Singapore. Confident in his sexuality, he uses his OnlyFans performances to embody feminine traits, allowing a safe channel for him to come to terms with his true identity. As a young gay man, he portrays feminine traits in his performances, thereby breaking the constraints on gender and sex.
Written by Vrinda Maheshwari & Jamie Lee
Photography by Chermaine Cheong & Leonard Wong

On the identity embodied while performing on OnlyFans

Personally, I tend to exude a more feminine energy when I go on my OnlyFans account. As a young gay boy, I always wanted to be more feminine in my behaviour, and the platform has allowed me to portray that. On a regular basis, I usually dress up in women's clothes but with the help of OnlyFans I have begun to understand in a more intimate nature, what it feels like to be a woman apart from dressing like one.

On how the OnlyFans platform has helped him come closer to exploring his ‘true’ identity

For now, I identify as a gay man. My true identity is still in question. There are days when I want to be more masculine in my thoughts or when I joke with my friends. And there are days I still want to be feminine.  So, I portray that on platforms of OnlyFans and NSFW Twitter, where I tend to be much more soft-spoken and act like a shy girl. I’m still not in that headspace of being a non-binary person where I can jump around in the spectrum.

In terms of identity, I think OnlyFans has helped me in finding out who I truly am. It has also helped me with my insecurities in relation to my body, as there are parts of my body that I wouldn’t show in my daily life, but on OnlyFans, I have the confidence to do so.




Lance (@l.ance), OnlyFans creator
Lance is an OnlyFans creator based in Singapore. Confident in his sexuality, he uses his OnlyFans performances to embody feminine traits, allowing a safe channel for him to come to terms with his true identity. As a young gay man, he portrays feminine traits in his performances, thereby breaking the constraints on gender and sex.

Written by Vrinda Maheshwari & Jamie Lee
Photography by Chermaine Cheong & Leonard Wong

On the identity embodied while performing on OnlyFans
Personally, I tend to exude a more feminine energy when I go on my OnlyFans account. As a young gay boy, I always wanted to be more feminine in my behaviour, and the platform has allowed me to portray that. On a regular basis, I usually dress up in women's clothes but with the help of OnlyFans I have begun to understand in a more intimate nature, what it feels like to be a woman apart from dressing like one.

On how the OnlyFans platform has helped him come closer to exploring his ‘true’ identity
For now, I identify as a gay man. My true identity is still in question. There are days when I want to be more masculine in my thoughts or when I joke with my friends. And there are days I still want to be feminine.  So, I portray that on platforms of OnlyFans and NSFW Twitter, where I tend to be much more soft-spoken and act like a shy girl. I’m still not in that headspace of being a non-binary person where I can jump around in the spectrum.

In terms of identity, I think OnlyFans has helped me in finding out who I truly am. It has also helped me with my insecurities in relation to my body, as there are parts of my body that I wouldn’t show in my daily life, but on OnlyFans, I have the confidence to do so.